Skills Bahrain

Bahrain’s Manufacturing sector is a dynamic and diverse component of the national economy that is currently undergoing substantial transformation. This transformation is driven by advancements in technology, a growing emphasis on sustainable manufacturing practices, and evolving market demands.
The sector holds significant importance within Bahrain’s economic landscape, standing as the second-largest non-oil sector and contributing 14.1% to the national real GDP in 2022.

The Manufacturing Sector Skills Report was developed through a comprehensive methodology, including international benchmarking, adherence to International Labour Organization guidelines, and consultations with sector representatives, to gain deep insights into the specific needs and dynamics of Bahrain’s Manufacturing sector.


Source: Social Insurance Organization (SIO)


Total Employment


Bahrainization Rate


Female Representation of Employees in the Sector

Jobs in demand in the sector According to the Manufacturing Sector Skills Report

AI and Machine Learning Experts
Automation and Robotics Engineers
Cybersecurity Specialists
Big Data Analysts
Digital Transformation Specialists
Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Specialists
Materials Engineers
Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA & QC) Experts
Research & Development Scientists
Sustainability and Waste Management Experts

The top technical skills required by the sector According to the Manufacturing Sector Skills Report

Data Analysis and Big Data Management
Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and 3D Modeling​
Graphic Design
Machine Operation
Occupational Health and Safety
Project Management
Quality Assurance & Quality Control (ISO)